Locally Caught Scallops with Herb Pesto

scallops with pesto

I’ve been craving seafood lately, but with my bounty of veg from the farm share, farmer’s market and my garden, I rarely had to go to the grocery store (yea!). However, that meant that without a special trip I wouldn’t be able to satisfy my shellfish itch. So, I figured I would stop by Whole Paycheck and pick up a few staples while perusing their seafood section, which is well-labeled with sustainable local and wild catch options.

Luckily I found some (rather expensive) locally caught scallops. I bought only 8 of them – richer flavor equals needing less to satisfy.

For dinner I heated some olive oil (but you could use local butter) in a cast iron skillet and tossed in the salt and pepper seasoned scallops. After no more than 2 minutes I flipped them, and then took them out 2 minutes after that. These were large scallops – 8 of them was about 3/4 lb – so the time would be even shorter with smaller scallops. You definitely don’t want to overcook.

For the pesto sauce I threw celery leaves, dill and a bit of leftover basil leaves into the processor (but you could use whatever fresh herb odds and ends from your garden or fridge) with 2 cloves of fresh garlic. I drizzled in olive oil until it was the consistency I liked, and then seasoned with salt and pepper. I like to squeeze half of a lemon in as well for brightness. Drizzle over the scallops and serve – perhaps with a nice caprese?